Going into 2011, I felt strong, ready for a wonderful year with friends and family. I had clear concise goals and I looked to the future of building upon relationships and growing into a better person. Did I succeed in these goals? Well, yes and no.
First I laid out the following quantifiable goals:
24 Hours of Old Pueblo (solo mtn bike) – Goal was to complete 14 laps of 17 miles in the given 24 hours.
Oceanside 70.3 – Goal was to finish under 5:30.
Boston Marathon – Goal was to finish in under 3:38. Only to PR my previous marathon time.
Ironman CDA 140.6 – Goal was to sub 12:30.
The only goal I hit this year was my Boston Marathon time. I PR'ed this and ran a 3:33, but it was an unrewarding to say the least. Running the Boston Marathon is an amazing day, but I cannot describe this in a blog. It is something only understood by other marathoner's who have run the course, and also It is also only understood by those individuals who have sacrificed blood, sweat, tears, hours of training, moments away from their family to qualify to race this prestigious event in the first place. Yes I was engulfed by the spirit of the race, I was mesmerized by the town, and I was uplifted and rejuvenated coming off course... yet I do not feel I earned my spot in Boston the way others did. It takes runners years and multiple marathons to qualify, yet I did it in one season of specified training and at my first marathon ever. Will I run Boston again? Yes, but not until I feel I have earned it.
24 Hours of Old Pueblo I DNF'ed. It was my first DNF ever yet I sought a bit of revenge later in the year at 24 Hours of Fury with my husband in the co-ed duo category. Not only did we kill the co-ed category but we also placed above all other male duo teams. Go Go Team Estrogen? Or lack thereof in my case....
Oceanside 70.3 I laid out as much as I could and came within the minute, but no such goal.
Ironman CDA 140.6 Although I feel as though I hit my goal in this race because I came very close, I want to say that it was such a beautiful town and Ironman course, that just being there was enough to call "goal".
2011 took me to other areas of racing that I had no idea that I would excel in. First, Xterra, I crushed a local Xterra event in June and was first amateur through the finish line, allowing me to travel to Nationals to compete with the big kids. What an amazing adventure. I am turning into a gifted mountain biker and I'm looking forward to growing in this department.
I'm a runner after all! When I first started running in 2008, I made it a mile, about puked, and half walked, jogged my way back. In March I won a local trail running series and in one of the early races not only beat all the women but came in first amongst all the men as well. In July I ran one of the hardest 50 mile trail runs in the nation in under 12 hours, which qualifies me to run 100 if I do it within the next 2 years. In the later of 2011, I ran a half marathon in 1:33 minutes! I ran my first 5K in 20:58! This is like just above a 7 minute pace, which is crazy for me to comprehend because I have been running just to run. I run track workouts, I run hill repeats, I run long runs, I run recovery runs... all for the "fun" of it. I hadn't been paying attention to how much I had been growing, but I had!
All this that I have talked about already, matters, but it hasn't defined who I am this year. It just defines what I've done and where I've been. True matters to the heart that I must reflect on came on January 11th... early in the year my mother suffered respiratory distress and ultimately lung failure, putting her into the hospital for a good 2 months, unconscious and on life support. I went from careless, fun filled, attentive to mind/body/spirit of myself and those around me... to questioning who I was, where I was, what relationships were important, and other issues such as, when will I sleep again, do I have to go to work after being up all night? Do I have to do this treadmill run at early hours to make sure I maintain my race goals? Did my race goals even matter anymore? I'm have many responsibilities to uphold, how will I accomplish them? Do I even have the desire to accomplish something, and if anything, what?
I maintained a respectable level of training (most would call it overtraining actually, wondering what I was running from), but not the people closest to me. I upheld work. I went to work most days with the occasional interruption due to hospital calls, and emergency situations involving my mother's vitals from one moment to the next. Life or death calls to make, papers to sign, court appearances, attorney's to hire, paperwork and filings I didn't understand, family that doesn't approve of your decisions, your reactions, your approach, or anything YOU. I maintained taking care of my husband and house chores in a decent matter, but I won't say he didn't suffer, he still does with me. He is the only one who saw and sees me when everybody else is gone. The depression and withdrawal, I don't converse as I once did. I get exhausted and irritable within moments of trying to complete tasks that most would find relatively simple. Others didn't see these things, but most felt something was wrong and good friends checked in, helped maintain my sanity by providing moments of fun and games, taking me out to play. I primarily thank Danielle and JenFriend. Shayna/Maria and Rebecca stepped in midyear to also save the day. Coworkers got a taste of irritability and a couple anxiety attacks out of the blue. It is only now that I am understanding everything that has happened to me this year and I give thanks to my friends and family, my husband, and my counselor who has guided and shed light on situations I didn't previously understand.
My mother is back, but due to the treatments she received in the hospital, might never be the same person she once was. She knows this and struggles with it. She is slower to react, is unsure in social situations, struggles with mental processes, and even worse has nightmares and hallucinations on a continual basis. She wishes that I would have let her die and even tried to go back into the hospital just to get her wish. So, her struggles are sometimes unbearable and my heart stays broken for her, but hopeful that with all of us working together that time will eventually heal wounds. On a positive side, she has a new light heartedness to her, she enjoys things that most don't take the time for. For example, painting, it relaxes her. How often do we speed through life and forget to take moments of relaxation for ourselves? I watch her and envy her new found hobby. Her personality is also a lot less judgmental of others now a days. Curious of those around her and accepting of them.
I lost relationships in 2011, I lost my grandparents, I lost my best friend Mary, I lost a connection with my husband. I'm working at all of these as best as I can. As we are coming down to the end of 2011, I've noticed that my grandparents are reaching out to me more. With the trials and tribulations of my mother and me moving further away from them.... when we conflicted, we grew apart. They have always felt something was wrong, but recent events show me that they are wanting to reach out more and desire the same from me. I'm looking forward to working at being that "good ol' number 1" as they call me. (I am the first grandkid). I lost my best friend because I couldn't tell her what I needed of her and she (like me) requires clear concise directions and goals in life to maintain sanity. I threw her a new one when I didn't clearly understand what I needed, let alone give her any direction on how she could be there for me. It separated us early in the year emotionally. It got worse with every event or activity we did together, hurting each other, not being willing to break down that wall when the hurt DID happen and a whirlwind effect thereafter. Acting out against each other in a love/hate way, eventually ended with minimal communication and misery watching each other from afar... wanting to embrace each other but unsure how. I lost a connection I once had with my husband, who always wants to be there for me, allowed me to sink into my depression around the house. He allowed me space to deal with my mother, and I needed that, but it is a double edged sword because while you want space and minimal confrontation of these issues, the long term result is a disconnect, he now will never know really the pain that I felt, the moments I didn't want to make it myself. It was and now will always be a lonely road. I only felt aggravated if he tried to stay with me during late night hospital stays or tried to lend an ear... I pushed away any hard conversations. Still, I remain slightly depressed throughout the evenings, after a long day of putting on face. I am trying to work at being the old Kata I once was in all THREE of these relationships.
Closing in on the year.... My mother will continue to improve and we will all be there for her, to help her find her way. I'm forcing myself out with family, starting with Christmas, to reconnect with my Grandparents, to take in the moment around the old house. I was able to reconnect with Mary, as what she calls an early Christmas gift. I couldn't agree more. I am hoping that 5 months of disconnect/anger/shame/hurtfulness is a sliver of the time I have remaining with her. My husband and I are already starting to reconnect more and more, we make time together to not only run/bike/swim etc. but we make extra time to sit together, eat together, drink a beer together, right now we've taken on a jigsaw puzzle that allows us time to talk without me feeling the pressure of saying too much or letting too much out. In fact I'm enjoying the jigsaw puzzle idea. It allows me disconnect from my thoughts and gives me a sense of peacefulness I haven't found in a while. This is a great relief right now because lately, I have found that reading, which was once so relaxing, has become taxing. Sometimes, a certain thought from an author can spark my brain and divert my thought processes for minutes... finding myself turning back pages to reread what already tried to read.
In 2012, I'm hoping to be going strong. Mentally I am starting to feel more stable. I don't see a light at the end of the tunnel yet for my late night depression, BUT perhaps accepting it is there is the first step. I have great friends, I have a great husband, family. I will be racing and leading for the Phoenix Triathlon Club for the duration of '12 and I'm looking forward to an excellent season. My training is currently going strong and I already feel as if I'm getting stronger week by week. I know that I will be able to let loose more often... accept my failures when they arise. I don't want to put an unhealthy amount of stress and pressure on myself during 2012. I Do have quantifiable goals though and I'll share them now:
-Run under 3:30 at PF Changs Marathon and feel confident to sign up for Boston again for 2013.
-Qualify for Xterra Worlds
-Run Zane Grey 50 Miler Ultra in under 13 hours, AND...
-Maintain consistent Age Group placements at all Phoenix Tri Club events and other local races.
I am limiting myself to 4 goals this year race wise for my health and well being. I plan to find a way to rejuvenate myself by taking a bit of an off season before going strong midyear. This doesn't mean I won't be doing any other events, I am just not going to stress myself out with them.
My other goals are to be there for friends and family. I want to be supportive of others and provide leadership in the community the best way I know how.
Sooo onto 2012, but first... the Holidays await and I am already starting to feel more relaxed knowing I have 9 days off before the New Year to rejuvenate my mind body and soul.